We are Hiring For Biozenta Lifescience Pvt. Ltd.
New Openings at Mohali (Punjab) location, local persons prefer................
suitable candidates can share their CV on hr@biozenta.com
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1)Business Development :- 2-6 years of experience in pharma line and candidate having knowledge Latin America, Asian, African market (02 vacant )
ii) Institutional market, Domestic, hospital market and candidate also having great experience in Oncology field as well .
2) Regulatory affairs :- 2-5 years of experience in pharma line (02 vacant post )
3) Calling Persons :- 2+ years of experience in pharma line, FLUENT in English ( 02 vacant post )
4) Accounts :- 09+ years CA level person having pharma line experience (01 vacant post )
5) Art work designer :-2+ years of experience (01 vacant post )
6) DGFT :- 2 – 05 Years of experience who will be able to handle independent to handle all compliances in Pharma line
With Regards
HR Department