MSN Laboratories Pvt. Ltd Walk-in Drive on 21-05-2022, Saturday.
Quality Assurance Department - Formulation Division
Vacancies : Jr. Executive Trainee | Executive Trainee
: B Pharm M Pharm | MSC
Passed Out
: 2021-2022 (Fresher's Only)
Work Location:
Formulation Unit-II,Kothur.
Interested Candidates may Walk-in from 9:00AM to 12:00PM
Venue: MSN Laboratories Pvt Ltd | Formulation Unit -2 |Sy. No 1277&1319 - 1324 | Nandigama|Rangareddy| Telangana - 509216 -
04030449251|9200 | 8701
Please Note: Candidates are requested to bring Resume, Photo copy of Educational Certificates, Latest Increment Letter Last three Months Pay Slips, last Six Months Bank Statement, passport size photograph, Aadhar card copy....