Ramdas Gokul Pawar1, Kisan Dnyandeo
Thete2*, Laxmikant Vitthalrao Shinde3
1Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, S.
S. G. M. College, Kopargaon, India
2Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, Padmashree Vikhe Patil College, Pravaranagar,
Tal- Rahata, Ahmednagar, India
3Associate Professor, Department of
Zoology, J. E. S. College, Jalna, India
*Address for Correspondence: Dr. Kisan
Dnyandeo Thete, Asst. Professor, Department of Zoology Padmashree Vikhe Patil College, Pravaranagar,Tal- Rahata, Dist-
Ahmednagar, India
ABSTRACT- Mosquitoes are important groups of arthropods
that inhabit freshwater habitats. The distribution pattern of adult mosquitoes
is related to habitat preference of the immature stages. These habitats may be
natural or man-made and temporary or permanent. Mosquitoes are
carriers of number of diseases; mostly in the tropics, causing illness and
death on a large scale. The survey was carried out during June 2015 to May 2016
from different ten villages of Kopargaon teshil (M.S.). Mosquito larvae were
collected at different habitats, these are temporary and permanent, larvae
collections were carried out regular month wise. A total 3627 mosquito larvae
were collected of which were density of Culicinae were 90.21% and Anophelinae
were 9.79%. During the study period seven mosquito species were identified, which
are Anopheles stephensi, Culex vishnui, Culex pseudovishnui, Culex quinquefasciatus, Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus and Armigeres
subalbatus. Their densities are Anopheles
stephensi 9.79%, Culex vishnui
13.51%, Culex pseudovishnui 10.34%, Culex
quinquefasciatus 7.2%, Aedes aegypti 26.16%, Aedes albopictus 15.08% and Armigeres
subalbatus 17.92% respectively. The mosquito larval fauna providing primary
checklist of mosquito vector diversity from study area.
Key-words- Larval habitat, Density, Vector mosquitoes, Anopheles stephensi,
Culex quinquefasciatus, Aedes
aegypti, Aedes albopictus